The Resident Evil series is filled with terrifying jaunts, but 7 takes the cake for most unsettling. The eerie Silent Hill atmosphere and sound design are sure to send shivers down you and your viewers’ spines. Be sure to play this one with some lights turned out and headphones on. Who can forget seeing Pyramid Head for the first time or finding out the final twist in this tragedy? This game is a must-play for horror enthusiasts and those looking to be frightened. Let’s talk about some of the best horror games of all time that are sure to give you and your viewers a scare! Silent Hill 2 (2001)Ī standout in the main Silent Hill series with its shocking story, this game is sure to stir up nostalgia (and fear) in those who have played it before or scare the living daylights out of new players. Spooky season has arrived and with it, a desire to stream and watch horror games on Twitch.